I had a Home Finding appointment in Koblenz last Wednesday evening and who did I meet on the way but our former assignee Karthik.
We had assisted him with his relocation here in 2022 and I was so pleased to see him. Karthik looked happy with the world, he radiated contentment and was very composed and self-assured.
After we had found an apartment for him in the center of Koblenz shortly after his arrival, his family joined him within the framework of family reunification. As part of our Getting Started Comfort Package, we booked appointments for his wife and son at the Bürgeramt and the Ausländerbehörde.
It was wonderful to see how well Karthik and his family have adapted to life here, as if to affirm this, he was returning from the bottle bank after disposing of his waste glass. He has completed a German language course and will take the “Living in Germany” test after the summer vacation and has already obtained his driver’s license. These are important steps towards a permanent residence permit.
Karthik and his family really feel at home in Koblenz.