Judith: It’s a wonderful life! That’s not just the title of a Christmas film from the 1940s, but for me a statement with which I wholeheartedly agree. Despite all the hardships and disasters around the world, every day I look forward to working with our assignees and customers. Supporting them enhances my life, hey are a big part of it and I say thank you for that. And I’ll watch my two favourite Christmas films, as I do every year, “We’re no angels” and “It’s a wonderfu lifel”. Happy Holidays!

Kathryn: My wish for all is a harmonious holiday with your nearest and dearest and a happy, healthy and successful New Year.

Susanne: “When the snow falls wonderfully
and the children happy are,
when the Glatteis on the street,
and we all a Glühwein need,
then you know, es ist soweit:
She is here, the Weihnachtszeit.“

In this spirit, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holiday season and have a good start to the New Year.

Karina: We wish you and your loved ones a happy and blessed Christmas, filled with love, joy and peace. May the festive season give you inspiration and new energy for the coming year.

Peter: I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and my best wishes to all for good health and peace in the world for the New Year 2024.

Nicole: The best gifts cannot be wrapped decoratively: Family, friends, love, laughter, health and happiness. I wish you all a merry and blessed Christmas, with health, happiness, success and wonderful moments in the coming year and thank you for the great cooperation and your confidence in us.

Leah: “Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” (Edna Ferber).
In this spirit I wish you all a wonderful Christmas. Celebrate it with your loved ones and have a good start to a successful new year in 2024.

Juliane: TIME – I wish you to use it as a gift to spend on yourself, your family and friends and spend it on making new discoveries and enjoying different experiences.

Viola: During these difficult times, my wish for all is a harmonious Christmas season wherever you are, either at home with loved ones or far away.

Kerstin: In these turbulent times, I wish you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas togetherwith those dear to you and a happy new year.

Nanci: At this special time of year, I wish you harmony and cohesion, happiness and joy as well as success for all your goals.

Simone: “The future depends on what you do today.” (Mahatma Gandhi) – So go ahead and meet new challenges! – I wish you all a peaceful Christmas season, time with your loved ones and lots of courage and strength for the new year 2024!

Friederike: I wish you …
Time to savour memories of yesterday; time to relax and rejoice in today and time to make new plans for tomorrow.
Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year.