Home finding is an essential element of the Getting Started Comfort Package for our Assignees.

This package is by far the most popular and most often requested; it’s extensive and we take care of everything which is easier for both HR and the assignee. The search for suitable accomodation is as difficult today as it was in the years 2015 and 2016, due to the influx of refugees and upward spiralling prices. Home finding is more challenging in major cities such as Berlin, Hamburg or Frankfurt than in the Koblenz/Bonn area, neverthless it is also time consuming and requires patience. There are usually 200 or more candidates applying for one apartment and a preliminary selection is often made. When we are fortunate enough to receive a viewing appointment, we ensure we are well prepared and arrive punctually with the required documentation. It is well known that first impressions count and additionally, a well-groomed, personable and courteous candidate has a more favourable chance. Even before their arrival in Germany, we impress upon our assignees that the dream house in the dream location is not always realisable and a compromise may be necessary, whether it is the size, layout or location of the property. Our experience has taught us that a property in the luxury sector will be easier to find.

However we have established a wide reaching and excellent network over the years and usually find a suitable appartment for our assisgness within 2-4 weeks.