Last week I was at the immigration office in Düsseldorf with an assignee where we had an appointment at 9:30 in the morning.

Shortly afterwards an Asian family of 4 arrived accompanied by someone who was clearly their relocation consultant. We were all seated in the same area and had to wait about 2 hours before the service personnel attended to us. Naturally everyone hoped for a shorter waiting time, but that’s the way it is and we take it as it comes. Obviously newcomers to Germany have lots of questions and queries, my assignees and I passed the time agreeably discussing a variety of topics; their next steps, alternatives to kindergarten, sightseeing trips in Germany and holiday destinations in Europe. We even joked about German thoroughness and organization and the time just flew by.

I observed the relocation consultant with the Asian family during this time, she was constantly busy with her cellphone and never spoke to her assignees. The couple were frantically filling out forms which were probably needed for the appointment. I was shocked and at the same time deeply appreciative of the bizorganization team. Such behaviour is totally alien to us, we take care of our assignees individually and professionally. All application forms are completed in advance and presented to the assignees for signing at the appointment. Longer waiting times at the authorities’ offices are used to convey information about German culture and practises. For instance about the waste disposal system, pending administrative procedures, recommend leisure activities and the ways of business life in Germany. We keep up general small talk to ensure the waiting is pleasant and informative for our assignees. This is part of our job and we all do it with pleasure. Of course we would prefer shorter waiting times, but it’s difficult to influence any process at the authorities.

I was really shocked by such indifferent behaviour and it has made a lasting (negative) impression on me. On the positive side, it has demonstrated that we at bizorganization live by our motto – you are in good hands.