We implemented our relocation software in November 2022 and are thrilled with the program, as are our clients and assignees.
The assignees upload all requested documents on their secure page and we assign viewing rights to the documents. HR-related documents such as entry visa, residence permit, medical insurance certificate and social security number are shared directly with the client, namely the employer. Personal documents like the rental contract and translation, tenant self-disclosure, etc. remain private. Appointments for authorities, bank and home finding are entered in the calendar with the respective addresses and display on Google Maps. Assignees’ appointments during working hours are shared with the employer, so superiors are informed in advance about any absence from the workplace. All documents are relayed to the relevant immigration authorities through the portal, thereby saving on time, emails and large attachments. We receive a notification when the documents were downloaded by the recipient.
Communication with the assignees is via the portal, all members of the biz-team can follow the threads and respond. The biz-team can also communicate internally or with HR and Payroll departments in the relevant company.
Rental Magic is one of the best functions – it allows us to upload rental or purchasable housing objects for the assignee in question. Along with information regarding price, size, etc., the distance to the place of work and the time required using different means of transport (car, public transport, bicycle, walking) is also displayed. Our extensive database containing information about the surroundings, doctors, hospitals, schools and kindergartens, as well as cultural and recreational opportunities is also accessible to the assignees. This provides newcomers valuable insight to their new environment and workplace.