The workshop ‘Efficient recruitment and integration of international skilled workers’ was hosted by the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft _ BVMW Berlin and the venue was also in Berlin. Many thanks to Christina Schulz- Heidorf and Daniel Raja for organising such a successful event. I participated and was happy to share my 20+ years of experience in the field of relocation and international assignments.. The relocation of skilled employees from abroad is a major challenge for everyone involved in Berlin and major cities such as Hambrug, Munich, HAnnover and Frankfurt. The federal states of Mecklembiurg-Western Pomerania and Rhineland-Palatine also present challenges that differ from those in the cities. It is essential that newcomers are guided through the maze of authorities and receive targeted support in findingtheir new home. Together with Viola Tasch and Juliane Krüger-Oechsle, who supports our assignees in Berlin, we met the wonderful Susanne Wippich. MY thanks to all the participants for the interesting exchange of views. from Judith Wambach