Kerstin: Seasons Wishes! I wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas and that you and your loved ones have much joy and relaxing moments during the festive season. I look forward to supporting you in your move and your new adventures in the coming year. All the best and much success for the new year!

Judith: This year has flown by and Christmas is just around the corner and with it the time to pause, reflect and be grateful. Pause to realise how good we have it, to reflect on what went well and on how we can improve, to be grateful for what life has given us. I am delighted we can support you and your employees in the relocation process in the coming year, it enriches my life – and hopefully yours and your employees too. Happy holidays and all the best for 2025!

Anna: As Nicole sang in 1982, my biggest wish for Christmas is:

“A little lovin’, a little givin’
To build a dream for
the world we live in
A little patience and understanding
For our tomorrow, a little peace”

In these times of socio-political uncertainty and upheaval, we must create our own happiness and share it with others. I wish that you and everyone around the world can engage peacefully with others and find togetherness and strength in these encounters. Only together can we move forward. Let us celebrate Christmas as the festival of love and continue with this mindset in the new year.

Kate: I wish that everyone who needs a miracle this Christmas Night will receive one✨

Simone: I wish everyone a peaceful and harmonious Christmas, especially if this is your first time far away from home – happiness, health and a good start for 2025!

Karina: Peace is everything and above all, I wish you and your families a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year!

Susi: From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas bring us closer to each other. — Emily Matthews
Have a holly, jolly Christmas!  I hope 2025 brings you lots of love, laughter, and joy!

Nicole: Merry Christmas, relaxing days full of love, laughter and wonderful moments and very best wishes for health and success in the New Year 2025.

 Viola: In these uncertain times, I wish everyone a peaceful Christmas season with loved ones, even when you are far away from home.

Juliane: I wish you TIME! For yourself as a gift, for each person, for the family together, with good friends and for big and small adventures.

Micha: As a John Lennon fan, the seasonal song that he composed always comes to mind at Christmas:

“So this is Christmas – and what have you done? Another year over – and a new one just begun. And so this is Christmas – I hope you have fun. The near and the dear ones – the old and the young. A very merry Christmas – and a happy New Year. Let’s hope it’s a good one – without any fear.”

With this evergreen, I wish you a Merry Christmas.

Kathryn: Happy holidays! I hope you all have a relaxing and joyful Christmas and here’s to a successful new year in 2025!

Peter: Merry Christmas to all, with health and peace in the world.